Club Charter
2001 - 2002
President Graeme Lowe - Secretary Don Van Weezep - Treasurer
Bob Darling
I’d like to say I really wanted to be
President last year - but I can’t!!.
Like most people I thought I was too busy
with other activities (A new business to set up, family
commitments etc ) to be able to devote enough time to the
Lions Club. But I was proved wrong. I had a very fulfilling
year and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Thanks to all
the club members for your help and support over the past 12
We have such a vast collection of people
from all walks of life and with the combined contribution
from these members, there is so much that has been and still
can be achieved.
I was very proud to have been president
of the Lions club that arranged and ran an extremely
successful district convention in October 2001 for approx
300 delegates and partners. It was also very satisfying to
sign cheques to the value of $10,000 for the Anti Cancer
Foundation to cover full refurbishment of a room at Seaview
Lodge in Adelaide where country cancer patients and families
can stay while receiving treatment. This is what Lions is
all about.
Through an almost full club effort at the
Whyalla Show last year we raised $2500 for the Whyalla Gift
Foundation. Christmas saw the sleigh moving around Whyalla,
Iron Knob and Cowell. Our club sold $17,000 worth of cakes
with $3,400 profit being distributed to local sporting and
other organisations who assisted us.
For a club of 37 members to rack up over
4100 service hours and have a turnover in excess of $83,000
is quite an achievement. It’s not all hard work though, we
did manage 2 very successful interclub visits to Quorn and
Cowell. The bus trips proved very educational to say the
Thanks again to all the members for their
help and support over the past year and in particular to
Secretary Don who was always there with the right
information at the right time and usually before I even knew
I needed it !!.
I wish incoming President Arne and his
committee all the best for the coming year.
Graeme Lowe
2002 - 2003
President Arne Risborg - Secretary Brian Marshall -
Treasurer Bob Darling
This year has gone
very quickly and we have achieved a lot in that period.
The year began with exchange students, Hiromi & Megumi from
Japan. They loved Whyalla and touring around, highlighted by
a visit with then Mayor of Whyalla, John Smith, who
presented them with some mementos of Whyalla.
Many members
sorted, packaged and sent text books donated by Whyalla High
School, to Lions Club of Port Moresby.
We attended a
reception by the Premier's Department, at Middleback
Theatre, to recognise volunteers in the community. August
saw our District Governor, John Tayler, visit our Club.
During this time. many of our members were busy preparing
for the Whyalla Show, which was very successful, mainly to
some very good organization by our chairman and support of
our members.
We were also
involved in the Taste of Whyalla, M.O.P.S. Fete, the
Hospital Fete and our Lady's Fete, to name a few.
Sadly, Lion Brian
Sawtell, a life member of our Club, passed away on 30th
September 2002, he is sorely missed by everyone in the Club,
and I'm sure, by all who knew him.
November saw the
beginning of an unsettling period in the Club, when we had
to find a new home for our meetings. We have moved to South
Whyalla Football Clubrooms. We have restructured the Club -
mainly in the role of the Board and redefined our role and
purpose in the community.
We welcomed Dean
Parish into our Club and have lost some members due to
transfers, etc.
Lion Graeme Lowe
agreed to take over the role as President of the Whyalla
Gift Foundation, following Gordon Prosser's resignation. We
take this opportunity to thank Lion Gordon for his excellent
work over many years.
Late in 2002 and
early 2003, we were very active with selling Christmas
Cakes, Westland Christmas decorations, Christmas pageant,
delivering Phone Books and Clean-up Australia Day.
The Youth of the
Year project was well presented by Lion Shane Knevitt. The
final was held at South Whyalla Football Club, with the
winner being Michael Kranz.
Lion Don Van
Weezep deserves a special mention for maintaining our Club
Website, if you have not seen it, please take the time to
have a look. Don's sites were awarded "The Golden Web Award"
and deserves our congratulations.
Easter saw the
Snapper Fishing Competition, the event was well organised
and well supported by our members - a great fun event.
Significant Club
fellowship visits were trips to Port Augusta and Kimba, some
with combined service clubs. The social committee Chairman,
Lion Len Clapp, is to be congratulated on his organizing and
running these events.
During this year
we have had assistance from a number of non-Lions and we
should consider an appropriate way of showing our
appreciation to them.
Arne Risborg

Member Lion Gordon Prosser

with his Melvin Jones Fellow
2003 - 2004
President Arne Risborg - Secretary Brian Marshall -
Treasurer Bob Darling
Due to
the changes proposed for the future direction of the Club,
we invited seven groups from the community to present
projects for our deliberation. We believed SA Ambulance
Volunteers were the most deserving and the wheels were set
in motion. Harvey Norman BBQ’s were a source of funding,
however these ceased in late August. Chubby took the bit
between his teeth and we were away. Great Auction with
thanks to all members for helping. SAPOL was the next
project to earn a Guernsey and many hours were spent
assisting SAPOL and the youth of Whyalla to enjoy the BBQ’s.
These activities prevented them from trashing the town
during the holidays. Our relationship with the Police was
enhanced by the opportunity to have members participate
voluntarily in the SAPOL character checks to ensue we can
assist at Blue Light functions. From this liaison and
recommendation, Lion Dean coordinated the FAYS to send an
“at risk” youth on a YMCA Kangaroo Island holiday
experience. A great outcome, with the lad attending a
meeting to report the success of the exercise. Good one
The Gift
Foundation required a change in the leadership role with the
resignation from the foundation of Chairman Gordon and Lowey
took up the challenge.
The Aged
Care BBQ shelter was next major project from the July
meeting and Lions Dean and Bryan
excelled with the result being the best waterfrontage BBQ
site in Whyalla.
began with the “King of the Road” mustering the troops for
regular forays along the Lincoln Highway. Thanked Bob. Of
course we cannot let the Sleigh runs be overlooked with the
crew led by Garry Walsh, again
knocking on every door with the help of youth community
Again the
Westland Traders requested our expertise with decorations
and at last we saw some new decorations being purchased.
proved too much for some of our members who decided a spell
in hospital would be better than spending time in
celebration. You sure had us worried for a while Ledge, but
with much work you certainly proved to all that you are a
fighter. God speed with the continuation of your health
project, and see, Lion Brian did not say a word to him, he
did it all himself, Congratulations.
finished Christmas off by using our direct line to the North
Pole as Santa visited the Apex Carols at very short notice.
books again proved to be in the hottest part of the year,
however all went well. The assistance given to a family in
their special need to relocate was significant with the
outcome to still be forthcoming when they move.
regular events of Whyalla Show, catering, providing BBQ’s
when required and assistance at school fetes continued.
We also
managed visits to Pt Augusta, Kimba, Cowell and Whyalla.
Over the
past two years the negatives were minimal with the major
ones being the loss of some exceptional members and some
lost opportunities with some youth activities.
The two
years have flown with many memorable moments.
for the opportunity.
President Arne Risborg